PI Lab researcher Aman Eujayl has been named Top Presenter for her oral presentation at the 2020 Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium on energy harvesting in soft, textile-based wearable devices.
Category Archives: News
Faye and Barclay Win AMPT Awards
PhD students Faye and Barclay won Resiliency Awards at the 2nd Annual AMPT Symposium in recognition of their exemplary research and service during the pandemic. They were awarded cash prizes of $1,500 each.
AATCC Grant Awarded to Barclay
First-year PhD student Barclay Jumet has been awarded a Student Research Support Grant by the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC). This grant will support his research soft wearable device fabrication.
ACS Nano Paper Published
A collaborative paper led by Kyle Wilke of the MIT DRL has been published in ACS Nano. We describe robust, self-healing coatings to promote dropwise condensation for improved power generation and thermal management.
Jumping Droplet Work Published
A paper led by collaborators at Texas A&M and MIT has been published in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. We report on jumping droplet condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces under forced vapor flows.
Marquise Awarded GEM Fellowship
First-year PhD student Marquise Bell has been awarded a fellowship from the National GEM Consortium. This fellowship will support his research on thermal and mechanical phenomena in materials science.
Paper on Coronavirus Lifetime Published
Our paper describing coronavirus lifetime as a function of temperature, led by Faye, has been published in Applied Physics Letters. We provide guidelines for decontamination of masks and highlight the effects of regional climate variations.
Paper in Advanced Materials Technologies
A paper led by collaborators Vanessa Sanchez and Chris Payne at Harvard has been published in Advanced Materials Technologies. This work shows smart textiles actuated by liquid-vapor phase change with feedback control.
Boiling Paper Published in APL
A paper coauthored by Zhen Liu of the PI Lab and led by Youngsup Song at MIT has been published in Applied Physics Letters. This work describes the influence of surface contamination on boiling heat transfer performance.
Esha Awarded Two Scholarships
Undergraduate researcher Esha Ghai has been awarded the Chevron International REACH Scholarship and the BP Scholars Program Award. She is developing scalable coatings for engineered surface wettability.