A paper led by Kyle Wilke and coauthored by Dan was recently accepted to ACS Nano. This work presents coating-free, condensation-resistant omniphobic surfaces that rely only on their surface geometry to repel a variety of impinging fluids.
Category Archives: News
Two Papers on Soft Devices Published
Two papers coauthored by Dan and members of the Whitesides group were recently accepted to Science Robotics (led by Philipp Rothemund) and Advanced Materials Technologies (led by Brian Cafferty).
Paper on Magnetic Levitation Published
A paper led by Shencheng Ge and coauthored by Dan was recently accepted to JACS. This paper describes an analytical system that enables high-throughput density measurements using magnetic levitation.
Soft Valve Featured in Nature Reviews Materials
In a recent article in Nature Reviews Materials, Zoe Budrikis highlights the soft bistable valve demonstrated by Philipp, Dan, and other members of the Whitesides group.
Joining Rice University
Dan has accepted an offer to join the mechanical engineering department at Rice University as an assistant professor, starting in July 2019!
Preview Article in Joule
Dan’s preview article introducing recent work by Ronggui Yang was published in Joule. This preview, coauthored with MIT MechE Department Head Evelyn N. Wang, outlines the state of condensation research and highlights new directions.